Co-Creators With God: Learn How To Create The Abundant Life Jesus Came To Give You! By Ryan Hicks
The concept of co-creation with God has only been hinted at throughout the centuries. Every now and then something close to this teaching would arise, and mainstream religion would crush it out, often with swift and brutal violence. To these religionists, humanity was to be viewed as powerless and dependent on the religious institutions and systems for their power. To expect any power with God was viewed as pure heresy. God has not left you alone in this world to be tossed about to and fro by chance and circumstances. You can live the life that you desire to live once you learn how to become a co-creator with God! Co-creation with God is something that every person can do since they are created in the image and likeness of God. Co-creation with God is something that every person can do since they are created in the image and likeness of God, but this knowledge has been kept away from most people. This keeps the common person in a perpetual state of creating a life they do not want to be living, and yet they believe that they are the hopeless victims of circumstances which they have no control over. This book will reveal how this is not the case and how you can take control of your life, align yourself with God through Christ Jesus, and begin to co-create with God!